Friday, May 4, 2018

Overall this class has engaged my mind to do a lot more introspection as well as always questioning why it is that I do something.  I realized this semester why I do yoga at all, I realized how competitive I am with everyone else in the room and that I need to try a yin class with some HIIT workout to precede it.  Yoga is so diverse that saying the word yoga can mean countless different things.  It's amazing to me what the western world can do to something that was so sacred and traditional miles and miles away.  The way that it evolved is fascinating as well, that humans can continue to get more egocentric is quite shocking to me.  How evolution hasn't made our heads bigger yet is a huge miracle.  I loved being able to write every Friday on the prompts that truly did make me think, realizing I didn't know the answers.  I don't think this class has strengthened my yoga practice at all, if anything it's just made me more picky (which I'm okay with) (I don't like to settle).  I want to try many different styles of yoga and how my body reacts to them.  I love yoga because it makes me sweat, it feels like dance to me and I can feel strong and rooted into the floor.  It made me sad to hear people in the class feel uncomfortable when they went to classes because the teacher didn't take the time to know them and know they needed to be taught and guided, not talked at.  I think the price of yoga defers people a lot of the time, as well as the all women deal.  I know I wouldn't walk into a class alone where I knew it was 95% men, not unless I did a lot of research first and felt strong and bulletproof that day.  I don't know where authentic yoga is, because from what we learned it definitely doesn't exist in the Western world.  With that I feel that each person has to decide for themselves what they believe to be best for them, it's an individual preference.  Just like there are somehow always new ice cream flavors, there will always be new styles of yoga.  American's are never satisfied, why would yoga and sculpting our butts be any different.  Well that's all for now, I'm going to go have some turmeric gluten free/ dairy free/ vegan ice cream that I got at whole foods.

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