Sunday, February 11, 2018

Weelky Practice Journals: Theme: Yoga as Physical Culture- Is yoga framed as more than exercise? In what ways is it suggested at your practice space that yoga can "empower" you? Why not run, or do zumba?

Yoga is framed as more than exercise, people would just run if it wasn't because running is free.  I believe that people want to feel part of a community when they are in a yoga studio or at any place of fitness. They want to believe they belong, and that they aren't alone in this journey we call life.  Yoga is promoted as a way to get in touch with your mind and inner spirit, as well as getting in a great sweat.  Teachers will always talk you up saying how proud they are of you for choosing to wake up early and take care of yourself.  They'll speak on how this hour of yoga will translate across your mat and allow you to have a great day.  Yoga is about clearing your mind they tell you, trying to focus solely on your practice and your breath.  In a soft tone they'll say "If thought pop up in your mind, acknowledge them and let them go". Yoga empowers you because you aren't only strengthening your body but also your mind.  Focusing on yourself will give you confidence that others will be able to detect in you.  With yoga you can flow and move through your problems. Running might be having bad or motivating thoughts on your mind to get you to run faster and farther.  Yoga is meant to be about forgiving and forgetting those things and using your own positive energy to create a better future for yourself.  

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting that we so crave the positive reinforcement from others. I wonder why that is...? When did Americans become so full of insecurities that we crave situations in which we are told we are ok? How might you connect this to our culture?
