Monday, February 5, 2018

Weekly Practice Journals: Theme: The Studio as Ritual Space-What makes your practice space a "sacred space"? Consider the sounds, decorations, rules, behaviors and other aspects of the practice space that create an opportunity for ritual experience.  

I don't know if I believe that my practice space is a "sacred space".  Because I feel that yoga in America has become the latest and greatest exercise fad, my studio space doesn't scream sacred space.  There is always soft acoustic music playing when you walk in the building, as well as in the studio itself before practice starts.  If you weren't listening closely enough, I don't think you'd be able to hear it playing.  There is also always some sort of incense or essential oil burning.  They will have the incense in between the space where you sign in and where you leave your things in the cubby wall.  They also have an essential oil diffuser that is switched out when the incense aren't burning.  I believe this is for aesthetics, making the studio feel as relaxed and tranquil as possible.  I also believe this is because the studio I most often attend is a power yoga studio where the room is heated at 90 degrees or above.  Therefore, everyone is very sweaty and consequentially smell like gym socks.  I believe the incense provide a duel purpose without telling everyone that they smell.  I can't think of any specific rules there are to follow in the space.  In the studio itself everyone practices barefoot, so we take our shoes off before we enter.  That feels sacred to me, or has respectful roots just as in you walk in barefoot to religious temples.  Another aspect that could be considered ritualistic is how the practice begins and ends the same way each time.  There are 3 ohms before we start and finishing after shavasana.  I would describe the studio as more of a tranquil or relaxing space.  That is the vibe the room is trying to omit, like a spa or retreat of some sort.  

1 comment:

  1. some good observations here as we talk about ritual space from the NEVRIN article next Thursday
